Property Shortcuts
The path to a property further down the tree can become rather long, for example:
Lib.Figure.Plot(2).Signal(1).Name="Signal 1"
Lib.Figure.Plot(2).Signal(1).Color = Red
Lib.Figure.Plot(2).Signal(1).Style = Dash
A shortcut can easily be used to greatly simplify the property reference.
Define a reference object
Dim sig as Signal (or if you need to be less ambiguous due to name conflicts with 'Signal' : Dim sig as COMforMatLab.Signal )
Set the reference object
Set sig = Lib.Figure.Plot(2).Signal(1)
Now you can use the object reference
sig.Name = "Signal 1"
sig.Color = Red
sig.Style = Dash
Note that most properties can also be read. One exception would be the Variable property
Lib.Figure.Plot(2).Signal(1) = sig.Name
Just be sure that you do not change the current reference without understanding the ramifications.
For instance, if you then reference a different property
Lib.Figure.Plot(3).Signal(4).Name = "Another Signal"
and then go back to using previously defined reference 'sig' you would be referencing Plot(3).Signal(4) not the original Plot(2).Signal(1)