Logging data
Each of the Start, Log and Stop commands allow you to log data.
The Log command can be called any number of times between a Start and Stop commands to log data as needed.
The data can be an array of any data type or a comma-separated list of values.
A special Parameter Delimiter Character is used to separate these values and can be changed if needed in the configuration.
Examples for the case with the Parameter Delimiter Character set to " ~ "
Input: "1,2,3,4"
Result: 1,2,3,4
Input: 1,2,3,4
Result: 1~2~3~4
Input: "A", 1, "B"
Result: A~1~B
Example with an array
If a(5)=1,2,3,4,5 (not the actual code to make an array)
Input "a(5)", a
Result: a(5) ~ [1~2~3~4~5]
Note that there is a limit of 300 characters per "Result"