Error Handling
Your development environment has an Error object that will be triggered if any Library operation causes an error
Err.Number = Some specific number
Err.Source = The Libraries name
Err.Description = The specific Library operation that generated the error, the command issued and the associated MatLab error if any
Note that the Log feature records both the commands and any associated errors.
VB6 and VBA:
On Error Resume Next
lib.Execute "z=cosss(5)"
If Err <> 0 Then
MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, Err.Source
End If
some operation what may cause an error
Display something to the user ... Err.Description
End Catch
Log Errors:
The logging feature will also log any errors.
Display Errors:
The Figure.Display operation can potentially produce a number of errors or issues. These Display issues are shown in the Plot window itself